crg meditation with g5

Mindset Matters: A Unique Approach to Pain Relief and Healing

Imagine waking up in the dead of night, gripped by excruciating back pain, fighting your own mind just to find an ounce of rest. The next morning, even the simple act of getting out of bed feels impossible because the pain is so overwhelming. Every day, you muster just enough strength to care for your…

dr jazini recording a podcast ep 60

Truth or Trend: A Spine Surgeon’s Take on Back Pain Relief Hacks

Have you ever been sucked into a social media video promising to cure your back pain? With statistics showing back pain on the rise, it’s no wonder that home hacks are trending and going viral online. Thousands of videos with millions of views claim to know why you’re hurting and offer numerous ideas to relieve…

katie and wendel hugging

Generations Apart: The Revolution of Modern Spine Surgery

Modern spine surgery bears almost no resemblance to the spine surgery your parents or grandparents had. Innovation and technological advances have drastically transformed the field. So what does that mean for patients? How different are things today? Wendell and Katie Sissler are uniquely positioned to help tell this story. The father/daughter duo had spine surgeries…

nurse helping happy patient stand in hospital room

Navigating Spine Surgery Recovery

Recovering from surgery can be a fairly predictable journey. But not always. Sometimes it’s more of a rollercoaster. When that happens, it can be disappointing, frustrating and even painful. One of my patients, Dori, discovered that after she underwent spine surgery. “Generally most people have a pretty linear, upward trajectory of recovery and I assumed…

jama flexing during a competition

Surgery to Strength: A Weightlifter’s Victory Over Back Pain

More people than ever are turning to weight lifting and bodybuilding — nearly 200% more year over year! Weight lifting and strength training come with a ton of health benefits — when done correctly. But injury is also common given the demands of the sport and a common question that comes along with that is…

man holding his knee

Rethinking Knee Surgery: Insights & Regrets from a Doctor’s Perspective

THE ULTIMATE CHOICE FOR ULTIMATE SOLUTIONS™️ As Director of Regenerative Medicine at VSI, I help patients every day who are dealing with terrible back, neck, and body pain. When surgery isn’t the right answer — or isn’t possible — regenerative medicine procedures like platelet-rich plasma or stem cell therapy often come into play to help…