doctor advise patient examines x ray image of neck of spine

Modern Spine Surgery Applies to Fusions and Disc Replacements

Many patients who have had spine surgery in the past, assume they can only have fusion surgery again when they have other discs go bad. Dr. Good, Spine Surgeon, uses x-rays to explain how that couldn’t be further from the truth, and why disc replacements have become the best option for these patients. Watch the…

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Dr. Good Analyzes X-rays of a Three-Level Hybrid Cervical Surgery

Hybrid spine surgery is an innovative surgical technique which joins the stability of a spinal fusion with the mobility of an artificial disc replacement. Dr. Good, Spine Surgeon at VSI, uses x-rays to break down a three-level hybrid surgery, and why it’s important for patients to receive a customized treatment plan for their spine. Watch the…

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Ask the Expert: How Long Does a Disc Replacement Last?

Thanks to modern technological evolution, enhanced surgical techniques, and improved physician knowledge; today more than ever before, we are better at restoring our patients to full and active lifestyles with the least short- and long-term problems. Dr. Good, Spine Surgeon, shares how long a disc replacement will last, and how disc replacements can help protect…

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Have Questions About Recovery After Disc Replacement Surgery? Dr. Good Answers Those Questions.

Disc replacements provide the benefits of improving range of motion and flexibility after surgery and potentially decrease the risk for additional issues and surgeries in the future. This groundbreaking surgical method combined with advanced technology allows us to offer more effective treatment options than were available in the past. Spine Surgeon, Dr. Good, walks through…

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What Is a Disc Replacement?

Disc replacement surgery can be used as an alternative to spinal fusion or in conjunction with spinal fusion (hybrid). The artificial disc mimics the structure and movement of a natural human disc and preserves the natural motion of the spine (backward, forward, and side to side).  Dr. Haines answers patients’ most common questions about disc replacement surgery, including:…