VSI Doctors Featured In Washingtonian Magazine: 15 Easy Tips for Improving Your Health in the New Year
As Featured in Washingtonian Magazine: 15 Easy Tips for Improving Your Health in the New Year
Washingtonian asked select doctors from around the Washington, DC, area to provide one piece of advice they wish their patients would follow. From VSI, Spine Surgeons Dr. Colin Haines and Dr. Ehsan Jazini, as well as Neurosurgeon Dr. William Kemp, shared their secrets to living well.
Don’t Skip Stretching
“Stretching is a critical component of good health. One simple way to build stretching into your routine is to follow what I call the 5-5 rule—five minutes of stretching before you exercise and five minutes after. If it’s really cold and you’re exercising outside, do that warm-up inside before heading out, and come in for the cool-down stretch, too.”
– Dr. Haines, Spine Surgeon
“Pay attention to what you’re stretching. When you watch people stretch, they generally work their legs. Maybe they stretch their arms, too. But very rarely do people remember to stretch their core and their back. And yet that’s where a bulk of injuries come from. Our spine muscles need to be flexible to power our exercise, help us react quickly, and build endurance.”
– Dr. Kemp, Neurosurgeon
Pick a Fitness Activity You Actually Enjoy
“In the past year, I’ve tried Glow Boxing, Pure Barre, Solidcore, Orangetheory, and spin classes. Sometimes you may try something and never go back. Or you might discover a new love. But keeping workouts fresh is a good way to make exercise fun.”
– Dr. Jazini, Spine Surgeon
You can access the full Washingtonian Magazine article here.
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