female doctor and patient back pain after exercise in medical clinic.

Natural Nonsurgical Alternative to Shoulder Surgery: Stem Cell Therapy

More and more people who suffer from injuries and joint pain in the shoulders are turning to platelet-rich plasma or PRP – which is a form of regenerative medicine. Just like stem cell therapy – these are procedures that allow the body to heal itself. Dr. Niteesh Bharara, Director of Regenerative Medicine at VSI is here to…

As Seen On Fox5 DC: Everything You Need To Know About Vampire Facials

As Seen On Fox5 DC: Everything You Need To Know About Vampire Facials

Vampire facials – sound weird? It’s not just a Halloween fad, this is something we do all year long. Let’s face it, everyone wants to look younger including Kim Kardashian, Angelina Jolie, and other popular Hollywood stars who have made this natural aesthetic rejuvenation procedure more mainstream. Vampire Facials utilize the power of the human…

blood tube at the microbiology laboratory

Doctor Perspective: Natural Healing Option for SI Joint Dysfunction

SI joint problems can be tricky to diagnose. Although imaging is a diagnostic tool, X-rays alone can’t fully identify the problem. Another problem in this area is that while the injury wasn’t well known for some time, now – thanks to an over-abundance of so-called ‘treatments’, it’s actually over-diagnosed and now you can find an endless…

Kathryn holding her daughter paisley

Patient Perspective: Patient Spends $32K on Ineffective Treatments Until She Discovers Regenerative Medicine

Sacroiliac or SI joint dysfunction is the source of up to 1/4 of all back pain. But while it can be debilitating for many – finding relief isn’t always easy. Kathryn Butterfield knows this firsthand. Her life was full of so much pain because of SI joint issues that she was nearly incapacitated until she got her diagnosis…

Dr. B holding spine and teaching

The Human Body CAN Heal Itself from Head to Toe

Lots of people are intrigued by Regenerative Medicine and have heard promising information about the incredible power it has to promote healing. But there’s also a lot of confusion about what it really encompasses and how it works. So in this episode, Dr. Niteesh Bharara, Director of Regenerative Medicine at the VSI, walks us through…

holding knee in pain

Uncovering Natural Alternative to Knee Surgery with Regenerative Medicine

Stiff, achy, and pain in the knees can be debilitating. And it’s so common that nearly one million knee replacement surgeries are performed each year in the US.   But when surgery isn’t an option – or desired by a patient – regenerative medicine may help. We’re talking about procedures that allow the body to…