heather competing warrior games

Back Surgery Gets Wounded Warrior Back to Competitive Sports

In this episode, we are talking about what’s possible after back surgery. We interview an Air Force Veteran and wounded warrior who is back to competing in the warrior games following two back surgeries. We hear her inspiring story and talk with her doctor – Spine Surgeon Dr. Christopher Good – about how she got…

woman swimming freestyle

Celebrating an Athlete Who Got ‘Back’ in Warrior Mode

Heather has been a life-long athlete, but when she first came to visit Dr. Good, she was experiencing debilitating pain, had been for years and she was frustrated.  “I was 22 years old when the pain started,” she told me. It began as a minor inconvenience, a nagging ache, but over time, it developed into something larger…

Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Spine Surgeon After Being Recommended Surgery

Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Spine Surgeon After Being Recommended Surgery

Being told you need spine surgery is one of those life-changing moments and can be a scary time for anyone. Your mind starts racing and you forget all of the important questions that you want to ask your spine surgeon before agreeing to this procedure. The good news is that I’ve heard it all with…

crg disc replacement video

Disc Replacement Surgery Explained By a Spine Surgeon

An artificial disc replacement is a type of spine surgery in which a spine surgeon removes the damaged disc and replaces it with an artificial disc that closely mimics the natural human disc and allows for the natural motion of the spine. Disc replacements provide the benefits of improving range of motion and flexibility after surgery and…

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Ask the Expert: How Long Does a Disc Replacement Last?

Thanks to modern technological evolution, enhanced surgical techniques, and improved physician knowledge; today more than ever before, we are better at restoring our patients to full and active lifestyles with the least short- and long-term problems. Dr. Good, Spine Surgeon, shares how long a disc replacement will last, and how disc replacements can help protect…

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Have Questions About Recovery After Disc Replacement Surgery? Dr. Good Answers Those Questions.

Disc replacements provide the benefits of improving range of motion and flexibility after surgery and potentially decrease the risk for additional issues and surgeries in the future. This groundbreaking surgical method combined with advanced technology allows us to offer more effective treatment options than were available in the past. Spine Surgeon, Dr. Good, walks through…