dr. good leaning against operating room table

Life After Modern Spinal Fusion: This is Not Your Grandparents Back Surgery

Many people have preconceived notions about spinal fusion surgery. Maybe you remember your parents or grandparents having one. If so – you likely think of an open-back surgery with a long recovery time, a lot of pain and restricted movement.  But that was then and this is now. In today’s era of modern back surgery,…

Doctor Q&A : Discovering, Diagnosing, and Removing a Spinal Tumor

Doctor Q&A : Discovering, Diagnosing, and Removing a Spinal Tumor

Pre-Procedure Are there symptoms or signifiers that a patient may have a tumor on their spine? Patients may have similar symptoms to other pathologies such as disc herniations or stenosis from spondylosis that cause spinal cord or nerve root compression.  This may include pain, decreased sensation, or motor weakness.  For example, when a patient has…

cmh holding spine for bertolotti’s syndrome

As Seen on Fox5 DC: Solving a Medical Mystery — Bertolotti’s Syndrome

When debilitating back pain began to impact Maggie’s ability to cheer and attend school, she sought help from VSI. After diagnosis and successful treatment for what Dr. Haines discovered to be Bertolotti’s Syndrome, Maggie is now back doing what she loves as a cheerleader for Clemson University. Dr. Colin Haines, Spine Surgeon; and his patient,…

Global First: VSI Combines Modern Technologies to Perform Ultra-Customized Spinal Fusion Surgery

Global First: VSI Combines Modern Technologies to Perform Ultra-Customized Spinal Fusion Surgery

Reston, VA, June 26, 2023 – Virginia Spine Institute (VSI), a renowned global leader in spine care, has achieved a remarkable milestone by pioneering the use of augmented reality (AR) technology in conjunction with custom, 3D-printed implants for spinal fusion surgery. Spearheaded by internationally-recognized Spine Surgeon Dr. Ehsan Jazini, this innovative approach represents a giant leap…