Dr. Haines on Zoom for pickleball interview

As Featured on CBN: Back Injuries, Pickleball Injuries, and How to Prevent Them

 Lorie Johnson: Trying a new sport can be intimidating, especially if you’ve been on the bench for a while. Pickleball can be easy, fun, very healthy, regardless of age. And joining me now is spine surgeon Dr. Colin Haines with the VSI, and I should point out, an avid pickleball player. Dr. Haines, thanks…

Is It Possible To Live Pain-free With Bertolotti’s Syndrome?

Is It Possible To Live Pain-free With Bertolotti’s Syndrome?

Bertolotti’s Syndrome (BS) is rare — with research showing it affects just 4–8% of the population. But it’s something we are both very familiar with as spine surgeons because it’s a cause of low back pain in young patients. Word of mouth referrals are strong among those who have Bertolotti’s because knowledge about the condition…

Dr. Haines on Fox5 for pickleball

As Featured on Fox 5 DC: A Surgeon’s Tips to Prevent Pickleball Injuries

Taylor Grenda: We’re talking about everything pickleball. So in the last hour I got my hand in the game for the first time, and I certainly learned a lot. It is such a fun sport, and who would have known? I know it’s an ever growing sport, but with that also comes a lot of…

Woman sitting and feeling dizzy

What Can I Expect When I Go To Vestibular Rehabilitation Physical Therapy?

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy is a structured, evidence-based approach to improving vestibular function and reducing symptoms related to balance and dizziness disorders. While it can require a significant investment of time and effort, many people find that it is an effective way to regain their quality of life and return to their normal activities.

Female runner in colorful leggings

Total Disc Replacement Beats Spinal Fusion to Keep Patients in Motion After Surgery

The phrase “you need spine surgery” scares most people. Fortunately, through the development of modern techniques and technologies, today’s spine surgeons can vastly improve their patient’s quality of life with surgery. The artificial disc is one of these technologies benefiting patients suffering from debilitating neck or back problems by allowing them to regain their full…

man using aquatic therapy treadmill

Chronic Pain Relief with Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic therapy, also known as hydrotherapy, is a form of physical therapy that involves exercises performed in water. It is a popular treatment option for individuals with chronic pain, as it offers numerous benefits that can help manage pain and improve overall well-being. What is Chronic Pain? Chronic pain is a condition that affects millions…