Dr. Jazini's 3 tips to maintain fitness graphic

Dr. Jazini’s 3 Tips To Maintain Fitness During Quarantine

1. Get Outdoors

Consider going out for a hike to discover a new trail to hike, walking a new path or hit that bike trail that you have been putting off. There are many benefits to stay moving during a time when many are quarantined in their homes. The added benefit of fresh air is also positive for clearing your mind and gaining perspective during an uncertain time.

2. Use Your Body Weight To Build Your Core

Utilizing your own body weight in an interval workout program can be a very effective way to build stamina, improve cardiovascular, and to strengthen your muscles without using heavy equipment or weights. Some examples I recommend include:

  • Yoga
  • Squats
  • Planks
  • Lunges
  • Pushups
  • Crunches

3. Stay Connected With Your Fitness Community

I can’t stress enough the importance of staying connected with your social community at your local gym, yoga studio, friends, and fitness individuals. In this age with access to effective technology, it is easy to stay connected with them through social media and sharing your workout routine. You can also consider virtual workouts through social media channels or video conference, and even facetime with your friends and family members. It’s time to get creative in the way you view fitness!

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