Five Simple Tips To Maintain & Achieve Your New Year Resolutions
As the first of the year rolls around, things like change, goals and resolutions came to mind. Though many of us have the best of intentions, we rarely are able to maintain let alone achieve our New Year resolutions. Here are five tips on how to stick to your resolutions and actually achieve them!
New Year’s Resolutions Are as Easy as 1, 2, 3. . . 4,5!
Keep your goals simple and realistic. Small changes are going to be more attainable and easier for you to keep in the long run. If your goal is to write a novel; break it down into smaller steps, ie: I will write five pages a day. With smaller targets you will be more likely to achieve your main end goal!
Have something visual to look at to remind you of your goals. If you resolved to lose some weight, put a picture of yourself at the desired weight on your fridges or on your desk. Have you resolved to go on more vacations? Create a mini collage of destinations you want to travel to, the more you see it the more motivated you will be to make a change or schedule that flight!
Make it known to the world (or at least your close friends and family). By making your goal public, it might give you that extra push to stick with it and because you feel as though you are being held accountable! SO go out there and post on your blog, send a tweet, or update your facebook status.
Take inspiration from someone else that has achieved a goal similar to yours. If your best friend lost weight, ask him/her how they did it or just admire her success as a jump starter to your future success. Keep your outlook positive, when or if you stray from your goal, don’t quit, even though it may be tempting to give up altogether. Recognize and recommit, after all you have a whole year.
Enjoy your little victories on the way to your end goal by giving yourself small rewards. You can run two miles now, buy a new running outfit or running shoes. You lost two of the 10 pounds you set out to lose reward yourself with a new accessory or going out to a movie. Small rewards can help you to stay motivated and on track.
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