andrew brunson

Patient Perspective: Choosing a Surgeon who Minimizes Risk

Risk – it’s a part of life and it’s certainly a part of surgery – hopefully, a small one.

Still, the truth of the matter is – if you’re considering spine surgery – you want to know what your surgeon is doing to minimize risk.

It’s an important question for anyone needing to undergo spine surgery and for today’s guest, Andrew Brunson – it’s something he’s had to do twice. Once in 2016 – when he had a spinal fusion on his neck at a major medical institution and then more recently in 2021 – when he found VSI in search of a consultation for a disc replacement.

He discusses the patient perspective on selecting a spine surgeon who minimizes surgical risk. We will also hear from his spine surgeon Dr. Ehsan Jazini about the special measures he takes to minimize risk for his patients in the operating room. 

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