cervical artificial disc for a neck condition

Which Cervical Artificial Disc Is Best for My Neck Condition?

Are you considering disc replacement surgery for your neck or cervical condition, but are unsure which artificial disc is right for you? In a world full of information and differing opinions, it can be overwhelming to sift through this data and determine what disc and doctor you should be trusting. We hear from our patients…

lumbar artificial disc for lower back condition

Which Lumbar Artificial Disc Is Best for My Lower Back Condition?

It can be very overwhelming to learn that you might need an artificial disc replacement, and even more overwhelming to learn that different kinds of discs could possibly be used. A question we commonly get as a practice is what disc is the best for one’s lower back or lumbar condition. In a world full…

varied food carbohydrates protein vegetables fruits dairy legumes on wood

Veggies: Your Secret Weapon Against Back Pain

In honor of National Eat Your Vegetables Day today, let’s remind ourselves of the important role that vegetables play when it comes to dealing with back pain. As a spine surgeon, I see firsthand how patients’ (and my own) dietary choices significantly impact spine health and overall well-being. Let’s dig deeper into how incorporating more vegetables…

Call Your Doctor: 4 Signs You Should Not Ignore Related to Your Back Pain

Call Your Doctor: 4 Signs You Should Not Ignore Related to Your Back Pain

National Call Your Doctor Day is today — Tuesday, June 11th. This is a good time to talk about the fact that 80% of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives. How do you know when the pain is something that will heal — or something that requires follow up with a…

thoughtful pensive serious male feeling head pain

Pain and Mental Health: The Hidden Connection

As we close out Mental Health Awareness Month, it’s essential to recognize the deep, often hidden connections between our mental well-being and physical health. One area where this connection is especially pronounced is in the relationship between chronic pain and our mental and emotional health. Let’s dive into how these two seemingly separate experiences are…