crg explaining cervical fusion

How is a Cervical Fusion Performed? Dr. Good Breaks Down Spine Fusion Surgery

As an example of Virginia Spine Institute’s customized care, Spine Surgeon Dr. Good shares an x-ray of a one level anterior cervical fusion. He explains how this surgery is performed, and how this is just one surgical option among the different customized treatments we can provide for your neck or back pain. Watch the Video…

airplane window view at dusk

Ask the Expert: ‘Do I Need to Travel to Europe For a Multi-Level Disc Replacement?’

Spine Surgeon Dr. Good explains how this belief couldn’t be further from the truth. VSI is internationally recognized as a leader in multi-level disc replacement surgery. Learn why you don’t need to travel overseas for spine surgery. Watch the Video on Youtube

crg explains hybrid spine surgery

Hybrid Spine Surgery, Explained by Spine Surgeon Dr. Good

As an example of VSI’s customized care, Spine Surgeon Dr. Good shares an x-ray of a patient who had three-level hybrid cervical surgery. He explains how this surgery is performed, and how this is just one surgical option among the different customized treatments we can provide for patients’ neck or back pain. Watch the Video…

doctor advise patient examines x ray image of neck of spine

Modern Spine Surgery Applies to Fusions and Disc Replacements

Many patients who have had spine surgery in the past, assume they can only have fusion surgery again when they have other discs go bad. Dr. Good, Spine Surgeon, uses x-rays to explain how that couldn’t be further from the truth, and why disc replacements have become the best option for these patients. Watch the…