male doing neck stretches outside

5 Neck Stretches to Relieve Pain from a Neurosurgeon

Whether you’re stressed or injured, dealing with constant neck pain can make it difficult to perform daily tasks and significantly reduce your quality of life. Neck pain affects 10-20% of adults and has a variety of potential causes. This type of pain is also called cervicalgia, which refers to the pain associated with your cervical…

man holding his knee

Rethinking Knee Surgery: Insights & Regrets from a Doctor’s Perspective

THE ULTIMATE CHOICE FOR ULTIMATE SOLUTIONS™️ As Director of Regenerative Medicine at VSI, I help patients every day who are dealing with terrible back, neck, and body pain. When surgery isn’t the right answer — or isn’t possible — regenerative medicine procedures like platelet-rich plasma or stem cell therapy often come into play to help…

anna smiling after bertolotti's treatment (1)

Patient Shares How She Overcame Bertolotti Syndrome without Surgery

It’s never easy when you experience pain, but there’s no question it’s more difficult than ever when doctors can’t figure out the cause. When that happens, you need a doctor detective – one who is willing to take the time to help you figure out what’s going on and most importantly – what to do…

dr. bharara holding a basketball

Slam Dunk Strategies To Prevent Basketball Injuries

A love of basketball runs deep. Once you’ve played the game, it’s hard to give it up. That’s why so many adults are part of recreational basketball leagues – long after they’ve stopped competing as student athletes. But beware! Americans are more likely to injure themselves playing basketball than any other sport. Between 2012 and…

Is It Possible To Live Pain-free With Bertolotti’s Syndrome?

Is It Possible To Live Pain-free With Bertolotti’s Syndrome?

Bertolotti’s Syndrome (BS) is rare — with research showing it affects just 4–8% of the population. But it’s something we are both very familiar with as spine surgeons because it’s a cause of low back pain in young patients. Word of mouth referrals are strong among those who have Bertolotti’s because knowledge about the condition…